What is @BlueMaskPrince?

It is an interactive roleplay account for the Crash Bandicoot 4 character: Lani-Loli! @BlueMaskPrince is mostly written from the perspective of Lani being given his first cell phone and trying to navigate the social media landscape by sharing his interests and daily life. This account uses both descriptions and drawings in roleplaying. This account is run by @MysticMariam62.

Roleplaying Rules

Before interacting, it’s important to establish some rules and conditions so that you know what to expect when roleplaying.


  • Crossovers are welcome, but this account will lean more towards Crash Bandicoot RP accounts

  • This account is generally SFW, but any themes or subject matter that may come off as upsetting will be tagged accordingly

  • Will not tolerate any racist/sexist/LGBTphobic or just generally bigoted content

  • Any accounts that involve minors in sexual situations will be BLOCKED

Mun Info

  • Mun is 18 and goes by she/her

  • This is the Mun’s first roleplay account, so tips and advise on roleplaying are grealty appreciated!

  • Mun is as white as a marshmallow, so if any references I make to pacific island culture are inaccurate or ignorant, please don’t hesitate to politely correct me and tell me what I can do better

  • Mun is also on the Autism Spectrum, so please be patient if I misunderstand anything

Muse Profile

  • Name: Lani-Loli

  • Aliases: Quantum Mask of Matter, The Azure Prince, God of Creation and Life

  • Gender: Genderfluid (He/They, occasionally She)

  • Species: A god inhabiting the vessel of a mask

  • Home: The Quantum Palace, N. Sanity Island

  • Powers: Phase Shifting, Phytokinesis, Healing, Controlling the weather, Telepathic communication between plants and animals, basically anything that involves manipulation of matter

  • Characteristics: Kind, Friendly, Curious, Creative, Caring, Empathetic, Talkative, People Pleaser, Easily Upset, Anxious, Shy, Self-deprecating, Just the tiniest bit Sassy

  • Special Interests: Botany, Zoology, Beauty and the Beast (1991)


At the beginning of time, Lani-Loli (along with his siblings) were enormous masses of burning gas and pure magic, kind of like stars. This was how it was for billions of years until each god was reincarnated as a human one by one. Lani was the last to be reincarnated, making him the youngest. Lani-Loli was reincarnated as the prince of a once powerful, but now forgotten empire on the Wumpa Islands. His parents both loved him dearly at first, but his father, the Emperor, would slowly grow jealous of his son because of how his popularity among the people had far surpassed his father’s. One night, when Lani was only 15 years old, the Emperor’s jealousy consumed him and he assassinated Lani while he was sleeping. Fortunately, Lani was able to ascend after death, but he had to say goodbye to his loving mother for the final time. Since then, he had lived a pampered but sheltered afterlife, being isolated from mortals aside from his disciple at the time: Aku-Aku.

Miscellaneous Headcanons

  • Lani-Loli is on the Autism Spectrum

  • Since Lani can read the thoughts and feelings of living things, it’s possible for him to go into something called “Extrasensory Overload” and have a meltdown if he feels too many living things in pain all at the same time.

  • Because Lani died young, he wasn’t able to fully develop his powers. This is why he struggles to do certain spells correctly and why he feels like a burden to his siblings.

  • Ever since Coco introduced him to video games, it’s been something he spends a good amount of his pastime on. His favorite game franchises are Kirby, Animal Crossing, and Minecraft.

  • The spirits that inhabit N. Sanity Peak (Ex. The Jungle Spirits, The Guardian) worship Lani-Loli and were created from Lani’s essence, which comes from his tears.

  • Whenever Lani is bored and doesn’t have anything to entertain himself with, he’ll start reciting the entire script to Beauty and the Beast (1991) to himself.

Minor Muses

While this account is mainly focused on Lani-Loli himself, there will be some minor muses connected to Lani that will pop up every now and then.


Lani’s older brother, who is the god of Death, Destruction, and Dark Matter. ‘Akano and Lani-Loli have the closest relationship out of the Quantum Siblings. Lani’s cheery and talkative nature acts as a foil to ‘Akano’s more blunt and brooding nature. While dark and intimidating with a tough exterior, he is gentle at heart and cares very deeply about his baby brother’s safety and happiness. He would do anything in his power to protect Lani. In interactions, ‘Akano will be represented by the “🟣” emoji.


Lani’s oldest brothers, who are the gods of Celebrations, Rituals, and Gravity. They are two twin brothers who are constantly bickering and arguing over trivial issues. Ika-‘Ōma’o (the green one) is defined by his flamboyance and unapologetic narcissism. He doesn’t care much about the responsibilities that come with godhood and much prefers to party and flirt with other men. Ika-Uli (the blue one) is more reserved and cynical than his twin brother. He is often the one who has to endure Ika-‘Ōma’o’s antics the most. Ika-‘Ōma’o shows very obvious favoritism towards Lani-Loli and loves to spoil him rotten. Ika-Uli tries to be a better role model for Lani, but his passiveness keeps him from doing so. They will be represented by the “🟢⬆️“ and “🟢⬇️“ emojis.


Lani’s Oldest sister, who is the goddess of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Time. She acts as the leader of all the other Quantum Masks and tries to keep them on their best behavior. Even though Lani-Loli gets annoyed when she playfully teases him, Lani greatly loves and appreciates Kupuna-Wa as a grandmother figure. She also acts as Lani’s tutor, teaching him everything he knows about quantum physics, astronomy, ancient mythology, etc. She will be represented by the “🟡” emoji.


Has a similar role to a court jester, where their job is to entertain Lani and all the other spirits. Their favorite things to do are dancing, singing, and finding ways to get on Horopito’s nerves. Mānuka has a much more casual relationship with Lani because they believe that it’s better for Lani to have regular friends instead of just being surrounded by worshippers. Their dialogue will be represented by “🌸” emoji.


Acts as a second in command to all the other jungle spirits. Horopito takes everything involving the caretaking of Lani-Loli extremely seriously. He is Lani’s most devout worshipper who is always singing his praises and is constantly worrying about his comfort and safety. Horopito can be quite hostile to anyone who doesn’t immediately prostrate themselves before Lani’s presence, but will back down if Lani approves of that person. His dialogue will be marked by the “🍃” emoji.